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How to find your ThemeForest Item Purchase Code


To find your licence key/purchase code you need to log into your ThemeForest account and go to your “Downloads” page.

Locate some of the Themes Kingdom themes you purchased in your “Downloads” list and click on the Download and next on the “License Certificate&purchase code” link in drop-down menu.

After you have downloaded the certificate you can open it in a text editor such as Notepad and copy the Item Purchase Code.

PS: Please check the attachment files to see more details.

download-license.png download-license.png
purchase-code.png purchase-code.png

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Article details
Article ID: 2
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2015-04-24 19:00:55
Views: 15076
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (109)

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